Centre for Digital Library

Centre for Digital Library is located at BRAC building F-Block, the centre provides consulting, instruction, and technical support to faculty, staff, students, and library patron for all aspects of digital scholarship—from teaching and training to research, dissemination, and beyond.

The core services include: Digital literacy for digital ethics and copyright, Research Data Management, online and offline library resource training, digital exhibits, plagiarism and free-to-use digital tools and software, invited speakers series, book club etc.


We are located at the Room No. 605, Sixth floor of FOET Library@F-Block. For researchers working on projects in the Centre, it is open and available whenever the FOET Library is open.

Get in Touch:

Make an appointment with the head of the centre or Email us to bharat.chaudhari[at]spm.pdpu.ac.in . We will make sure it gets to the right support.

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